Monday, September 11, 2006

Nine years on and she's still dead

It baffles me, truly it does. To be fair, even when she was alive I struggled to understand the media's obsession with Diana, Princess of Wales - nine years after she started pushing up daisies in the middle of a lake in the Midlands, I understand it even less.

OK so, it's around the anniversary of her untimely death, but barely a week passes when one of the so-called 'quality' tabloids, The Daily Express & The Daily Nazi - sorry, Daily Mail, feature some kind of article perpetrating the ridiculous conspiracy theories that surround the death of one of the thickest worldwide megastars of the 20th century. Today the Mail featured this piece raging on about Paul Burrell, Diana's ex-butler/the devil incarnate. Whilst I find it slightly distasteful that his entire 'celebrity' status came about purely as a result of her death, he has to make a living somehow, what with him having no-one to butle for any more. By featuring him in their paper at all, the Mail make sure he remains in the public eye - there's no such thing as bad publicity, after all.

If they really gave a flying toss about the sacred memory of someone they themselves re-characterised from treasonous slut to angelic deity overnight following her death, they would do what her sons seemingly do - rise above it all and refuse to be drawn into the endless media circus. Diana died because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt in the back of a speeding car that crashed because the driver was drunk - and that's that. Even if the Queen had strangled her with her bare hands, nothing can change that fact that she is dead, and will remain so for eternity. So can everybody please stop bloody well going on about her!


muppeta said...

Who knows - I'm sure it would have been about as useful to society as the contribution she's currently making though.

Toenex said...

still dead? She was the peoples princess not f**king Jesus. Mind the way people behave you could easily be mistaken.

As you were.