Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Scary sights in Doncaster

Whilst on an emergency pizza run to Donny the other week (that's how much of an emergency it was) my boyfriend and I happened upon one of the most genuinely blood-curdlingly scary things I've ever seen - an extremely fragile looking old man driving a Citroen AX round a roundabout - wearing an oxygen mask! Don't ask me why I found this such a distressing sight, but believe me, it's not an experience I'd wish to repeat. I mean, surely if you need a bit of assistance in the simple matter of breathing in and out, driving is one of the last things one should be considering. And he had a passenger as well!

I was reminded of this occurrence today after reading this brilliant story.

Nice to see our police force are as vigilant and infallible as ever - 'Pc Edge said: "I asked him if he could see me. He removed the dark-coloured sunglasses he was wearing and I could clearly see he was blind as he had no eyes."' Good work PC Edge, there's bound to a promotion in this for you after that cracking bit of detective work...

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