Monday, September 11, 2006

For the love of god...

As if the Daily Mail's Diana non-story wasn't annoying enough, it would appear that on the anniversary of one of the worst terrorist attacks in history, as conflict rages in the middle east and people are killed in suicide bomb attacks in Iraq, the Express saw fit to cover the entire front page of today's paper've guessed it, a story about Princess fecking Diana. 'Diana was so much in love', it screams at us, with one of the umpteen archive photos they have of her looking gormless beneath it.

Apparently, she and Dodi were going to get engaged that fateful night in Paris, and Paul Burrell is horrible evil man who drowns kittens for fun. THIS IS NOT NEWS, PEOPLE!! Why do people waste 70p a day on this shit? This paper pays 'journalists' to peddle this bollocks - how can any one of them sleep at night? Do they all dream one day of working on a publication that tells real news stories - like Heat or Bella for example, or maybe even TV Quick magazine. There's more journalistic integrity on the 'Celebrity Style Secrets' page of Heat than there is in one column inch of these bog-roll worthy heaps of rubbish, yet the morons who buy it swallow every ill-informed sound bite that's thrown at them. AAAGGHH!!

1 comment:

Toenex said...

Personally, I very much enjoy hearing again the tale of how 'the peoples princess' was horrifically killed in a road accident in Paris. I just wish they would publish more pictures of disconnected body parts spliced with steal and automotive glass. Perhaps it could be done as a video montage with Drive by "The Cars" playing over the top and intercut with pictures of the Queen launching ships or something.

Opps, I said all that out loud again didn't I?