Friday, June 04, 2010

Farewell, Lovely Lottie

Today was supposed to be the day that we bade a fond farewell to our lovely little SportKa, Lottie, however, the new Muppetamobile for which we are swapping her requires a part that has to be ordered (don't they all? I wasn't aware of any mechanical components that just materialised when you click your heels together three times... aaaaaanyway...).

So, we have Lottie for a few more days yet, until the part-fairies pay a visit to the dealer. Much as I try not to get attached to lumps of metal and mechanical doings, I am rather fond of this car. Not only is she cute, but she's dead fun to drive, and goes faster than dickheads in BMWs think she can, which is always amusing when you overtake one on the motorway which then IMMEDIATELY revs past you angrily, as if you have somehow suggested the driver has a small penis by having the audacity to a)drive faster than them b) in an ickle car and c) when you're a a mere female.

But, as we are now three, Lottie no longer meets our needs. As fun as she is, it's time for her to make way for an as yet un-named Fiat Multipla. Yes, you're right, that is one of those fugly ones that look like metal aliens. When I first got pregnant, Mr M joked that he would divorce me if we had triplets and therefore had to buy a car such as a 'pla. Now, nearly 2 years on from those two pink lines that changed our life forever, here we are bursting with excitement at the prospect of owning one. Why, I imagine I can hear you ask? Well, firstly, Flump will be able to ride up front inbetween Mama & Papa, something she very much enjoyed on the test drive, as it has 3 front seats. Which, secondly, leaves the whole of the back free for loading up full of camping goodies and bikes (or Ikea goodies!). Thirdly, it's a diesel - the same engine as Mr M's late lamented Alfa Romeo, and so solid it will clock up 250K no bother, not to mention doing in the region of 10 MPG more than Lottie. And last, but by no means least, the 'pla will run on biodiesel! Our local BD producer makes it entirely from waste provided by local restaurants, making it totally carbon neutral, as well as costing significantly less than normal diesel - yay for environmentally friendly car ownership!

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