Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Best Intentions...

OK, so it's (well) over a month since my last post, full of good, regular-blogging type intentions - but it has been a fairly busy few weeks, what with weddings, holidays and house moves to contend with. So, excuses over with nice and early...

Well, today my boyfriend and I embarked upon a week of detoxification from the lard rich excesses we have been indulging ourselves in over the first few weeks of our co-habitation. Initially we had a fairly passable excuse - no cooker on which to cook healthy, virtuous vegetable-heavy feasts, so naturally the chippy or domino's pizza was our only possible source of nutrition (I think domino's put heroin on their 'football frenzy' pizza or whatever it's called. They couldn't sue me for that could they?) However, despite having had a cooker for well over four weeks now, we have no excuse but laziness and a deep affection for shit food for our continuing diet of questionable healthiness.

It started well - I decided early on (about ten minutes after arriving at the office at 8am) that coffee was actually quite good for you, and was acceptable refreshment for any self-respecting detox-er, especially given that the latte machine in the office canteen uses skimmed milk. Lunch was a very virtuous salad (coleslaw given much the same detox-friendly rating as coffee at this point. And cheese) and if you disregard any kind of cheese and onion pasty eating type incidents, the rest of the day was also an unprecedented success for both of us - so much so, we treated ourselves to a little midnight snack of cheese and biscuits. It's a piece of piss this detox lark!

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