Monday, July 03, 2006

The Joys of Home Ownership

When I started this blog, I was determined not to lose interest after three posts and stop bothering...given that I haven't posted anything for nearly a month, you'd be forgiven for thinking that losing interest after three posts and stopping bothering is exactly what I've done, but I've just been far too stressed to write anything. (And yes, stopping bothering is perfectly grammatically correct, in case you were wondering)

The cause of this stress? Moving house. Or rather not moving house to be precise. The plan was, we would complete on June 23rd, but the solicitor of the woman I'm buying from at one stage seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth, making me extremely nervous indeed. June 23rd came and went with solicitor still AWOL, taking my nerves with it. At one point last week I was lying in bed and clocked my heart rate at 89 bpm, the discovery of which served only to increase it still further. However, the solicitor reappeared last Thursday (with no explanation for his three week wall of silence mind) and completion has now been set for July 10th. Heart rate is now a much more healthy 62 bpm, and I have ceased incessantly gnawing at my fingernails, or what little remains of them. I'm now actually quite excited about the move - even though I appear to be moving in with someone who has two whole boxes full of cables (well, you never know when you might need them...) three times the necessary number of PDAs, and a Betty Boo album he's not even slightly ashamed of. And I'm off to Prague for four days tomorrow - yay! Watch this space for updates - my good blogging habits start here...