Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Everybody needs good neighbours

The street on which I live is a public road with no parking restrictions. Most houses have garages and/or drives for cars to be parked on, but as I live in a basement flat, my only parking is on the street outside the house. Sometimes I can't get parked right outside. This is a fact of life, and a bit of a pain, but ultimately, walking a few yards extra when I come home of an evening is hardly an inconvenience for me.

When I arrived home on Friday night, there was a car parked outside my house, so I parked as close as I could get, about three houses away. I didn't use my car again until yesterday evening, when I found a little note tucked under the windscreen. The note was from the woman whose house I was parked in front of, kindly requesting that I desist from parking outside her property for 'days at a time' as it is inconvenient for people visiting her. Now, my initial reaction to this was to set fire to the note and put it through her letterbox - I didn't do this of course, but the sheer petty mindedness of the whole thing riled me beyond belief. Firstly, my car is always parked near or outside her house, so she knows I obviously live nearby. Secondly, every time I left my house over the weekend, my car was either the only one or one of two or three parked on our run of spaces, so her friends are either very lazy or too stupid to be able to park in a space smaller than about six car lengths (my guess is both).

So I am now considering two courses of action - 1) Ignore the note and park outside her house every day, even if there's space outside mine 2) Send a polite reply pointing out that if she doesn't like people parking outside her house she should move to one that isn't on a public road, and I'll park wherever the fuck I want to thanks very much, you poisonous, uptight, Daily Mail reading old bitch (you can just tell from her handwriting). And park outside her house every day, even if there's space outside mine.

I'd like to think I'm mature enough to go for option 1, but the fact that she was bothered enough about something so stupid to write an arsey note about it without thinking for one moment that she had no right whatsoever to be bothered about it pisses me right off. She needs to learn. But would sending her a note make me just as bad as her? No, it wouldn't, because I'm right and she's wrong!